Established from a Living Lab methodology, COSMOS (Co-Creation Service Modelling System) permits the stakeholders involved with social and service innovation to visually and interactively position themselves within their service and social innovation environment, and across several theoretical models.

COSMOS is a an open-source web-based application comprising of multiple digital representations of these theoretical models which assist with the identification of inputs and outputs from the innovation process whilst doing so in a co-creative manner. Developed in response to requirements identified as part of the Co-production of Social Innovation in Europe (COSiE) project - a pan-European project across nine countries each delivering unique social innovation pilots - each model within COSMOS has been developed and provided in response to identified aspects of co-creation found within the COSiE project.

These models have been purposefully designed to engage stakeholders using a range of input questions, prompts, and comments. By engaging with COSMOS, each participant's replies and comments entered within the application in real-time. These responses lead to the description and identification of roles and responsibilities within the innovation, moral ordering of social innovation, models of change, amongst others - COSMOS provides a real-time, interactive reflection and representation of the co-creation environment. The digital representation of these models, which also allows for the collection of external websites, images and files, and social media and open data sources for simple referencing and wider discussions, can be completed interactively or offline, individually or within a workshop environment. The outputs can then be shared and compared with a range of involved stakeholders in the form of a boundary object to extend the discussion regarding the service and social innovation.

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