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User Guide

The following is a short video of COSMOS that provides an overview of the platform, orientation o...

Social Media

About the Social Media Section The Social Media Section of a COSMOS project is used to link to s...

The User Guide

Several of the COSMOS models have a User Guide activated within them. These appear at the top of ...

Theory of Change

About the Theory of Change Section The purpose of the Theory of Change is to provide external we...

Community Reporting

About the Community Reporting Section The purpose of the Community Reporting section is to provi...


About the Documents Section The purpose of the Documents section is to provide a way to upload f...

Project Details

The Project Details section of a COSMOS project allows for the following options across three are...

Create a New COSMOS Project

The COSMOS Dashboard makes it really simple to create a new COSMOS Project. In the 'Create new pr...

User Journey Model

Social innovation processes are implied in the instigation, deployment and fruition of a service ...

Analytical Model

About the Analytical Model The Analytical Model is designed as a probe on the initial service mo...

Moral Ordering Model

The Moral Ordering Model distinguishes between the contexts and occasions (or stages in the lifec...

Intervention Theory Model

The Intervention Theory Model is an attempt to create a representation of the multi-dimensional c...

Change Model

The Change Model adopts a cybernetic stance, that is to say it is about how things are guided, ho...

More Details Toolbar Option

By double-clicking anywhere on the Responsive Model Canvas, it is possible invoke the the 'More d...

The COSMOS Side-Bar Menu

The COSMOS Side-Bar Menu is a way to navigate within a project and provides access to the many mo...

User Management

As an administrator or facilitor, it may be necessary to invite a user that may not have a) signe...


General Settings are only available to users with the Admin role within COSMOS. If you are unsure...


Email settings are only available to users with the Admin role within COSMOS. If you are unsure a...

Changing your Password

In order to maintain security, or in the event of a need to change a user password, this is compl...

Account Details

By clicking on your email address from within in the COSMOS Toolbar, it is possible to change you...